Soil Use and Water Management
Soil Use and Water Management
Soil and Water Use and Management: Soils are the building block for societies; performing critical functions for humanity including water filtration and storage, supplying nutrients for plants and animals, providing habitat for organisms, and climate mitigation. Students selecting this AS will learn to apply principles of soil and water conservation and management in support of agronomic productivity and environmental preservation from field to watershed scales. Students will learn to use soil information and land use characteristics to select and recommend best management practices. Students will learn about water requirements for successful crop production, methods for supplying supplemental water and to keep water clean when leaving agricultural fields.
Soil and Water Use and Management Course Options:
Course | Credits; Offered | Prerequisites |
PLS 573 Soil Morphology and Classification | 3; Odd Fall | PLS 366 |
BAE 542 Intro to Stream Restoration | 3; Sp | Consent of instructor |
GEO 351 Physical Landscapes | 3; F | GEO 130 or consent |
BAE 537 Irrigation/Drainage Engr | 3; ? | ME 330 or CE 341 or consent |
AEN 462 Residential & Commercial Irrigation Design | 3; F | Consent of instructor |
Students must select ONE Agricultural Ecosystem Emphasis area and complete nine hours of course work in each area from the list of courses provided. Students must select from the courses listed under each AS but may request one (1) substitute course, subject to approval by both their academic advisor and the DUS. For the 18 hours of TS and AS coursework, all classes must be 200-level or above and at least twelve (12) credit hours must be in 300-level or above courses. Classes taken to complete the AS requirement cannot count towards the TS course requirement. Experiential learning courses cannot satisfy AS requirements.